
Our Institution Activities

Conferences hold by Helping Woman in Life organization

1. Conferences about woman rights in constitution & Iraqi rules hold by institution.
2. Conferences about disadvantages of 41 rule in Iraqi constitution which says that personal affairs role depends on believes, religion & advantages of civil role which calls for Iraqi woman.
3. Conferences about changing some of Iraqi rules & adding another rules in Iraqi sanctions rule (111 rule).
4. Conferences about activating the political Iraqi woman role & her participation in elections as elector, nominee & necessary factors to nominate the efficient woman.


The main important invitations of helping Woman in Life Institution


1. Invitation from first lady of Egypt Susi Mubarek to chief of institution to participate in international summit for woman in Egypt 2006, cooperating with Global summit for woman.


2. Invitation from Zayed University to chief of institution for presence international conference about woman as leaders.


3. Invitation held by Unifem to institution members for participation in workshops in Beirut, Oman.